Resooney:Yn Tambia

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Ass Wikipedia.

Namibia is on the Atlantic coast! The flag and the map are wrong.

Is right, Namibia in gaelg is: Yn Nameeb. pt:Usuário:Santista1982
Very true, but if you actually read the article you shall find that it refers to Zambia - NOT Namibia. The country information box was copied from Namibia and obviously the native name of the country was forgotten, and so still retained the name Republic of Namibia. Perhaps before suggesting that maps and flags are wrong it might be a better idea to actually read the article first and see what the article actually refers to, and if you do find something wrong then just change it. MacTire02 18:06, 30 March 2008 (UTC)
There's also no need for the obsessive articles at the beginning of these names - Yn Hong Kong, Yn London, Yn Timbuktu. Why not just use the English spellings? They're not even English words to begin with!
There is a need for the Definite article. It is part of the language. As regards Yn Hong Kong, Yn London, Yn Timbuktu....where did you get those from?? Pure lalaland. Nowhere in this encyclopaedia or any other Manx language resource will you find those. If the name is left untranslated then it is assumed to be inherently definite, and therefore does not need a definite article. i.e. Hong Kong is simply Hong Kong and Timbuktu is Timbuktu. London is translated but is also inherently definite and so does not need a definite article. It is transated as Lunnin. But we could do it your way. Just delete every aspect of Manx grammar and vocabulary and replace it all with English.MacTire02 17:23, 31 March 2008 (UTC)