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Caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl

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Ta caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl ny chaslys-skeeal t’er ny hoilshaghey magh er ynnyd-eggey. Dy mennick cha nel ad ry-gheddyn agh er yn eddyr-voggyl, agh ny keartyn elley, t'ad goll er soilshaghey magh ayns lioaryn as pabyryn-naight, agh cummal seose skeeal-hasht er yn eddyr-voggyl. Ta'n eddyr-voggyl cur daue lhaihderaght aarloo.

Ta caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl gollrish skeealyn hene-soilshit, er y fa dy nod peiagh erbee, foast, screeu as soilshaghey magh yn caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl echey hene. Ta ny smoo na 18,000 caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ayn nish[1][2], as adsyn goaill stiagh scheimyn aitt cadjin as caslys-noaskeealyn, ram genreyn as cooishyn. [2] S'tiark nyn ta hene-chooneydagh mychione argid.

Saase[reagh | edit source]

Caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl.
Cooishyn kuse dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl gollrish Fetus-X, t'ad er nyannoo arganys.

Ta kuse dy anchaslyssyn eddyr caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl as scheimyn aitt cliaghtagh.

Caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl, cha nel eh orroo tannaghtyn rere ny lhiettalyssyn croo ta er pabyryn-naight as earishlioaryn tradishoonagh. Foddee ellyneyryn jannoo ymmyd jeh jargaghtyn er lheh yn eddyr-voggyl da'n vondeish oc. Scott McCloud, fer jeh y chied ren coyrlaghey caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl, t'eh er nyannoo hoshiaght eie y carneish neuchaghlee. [3] Gyn lhiettalys er mooadys clou cadjin, foddee ellyneyryn skeaylley da raad erbee gyn jerrey, myr ta demian5 er nyannoo lesh y skeeal scrolley echey When I Am King.[4]

Ta ellyneyryn elley, myr sampleyr Mark Fiore, jannoo prowaltys cur stiagh eddyr-obbraghey as bio-chaslys. Ta cartoonyn echey jannoo ymmyd jeh Adobe Flash. [5]

Foast, ta croo cliaghtagh ec cooid mooar, s'cosoylagh yn chooid smoo jeh caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl. Kuse jeh, myr sampley PvP liorish Scott Kurtz [6] as Sinfest liorish Tatsuya Ishida,[7] t'ad jeeaghyn gollrish scheimyn aitt doo-as-bane pabyryn-naight. Ta'n croo spotçh-dagh-laa shoh lhiggey daue jannoo jeianaghey y skeeal ny smenkey, as myr shen t'ad goaill lhaihderaght mooar dy tappee, foddee. Ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl elley, t'ad jeant gollrish lioaryn chaslys-skeealyn tradishoonagh, manga ny caslys-noaskeealyn. Ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl shoh, myr sampleyr MegaTokyo liorish Fred Gallagher [8] as American Born Chinese liorish Gene Yang, [9], she myr duillagyn t'ad jeant, cha nee ayns scheimyn, as ta'n skeeal ny smoo scanshoil na spotçhyn.

Kuse dy lioaryn chaslys-skeealyn hene-soilshaghey, myr sampleyr Finder[10] as Girl Genius liorish Phil & Kaja Foglio,[11] t'ad er chur jerrey er soilshaghey magh caslys-earishlioaryn clouit. Ayns ynnyd jeh shen, t'ad jannoo ny skeealyn myr caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl, son roshtyn lhaihderaght smoo. Cha nel ad clou agh lioaryn chaslys-skeealyn ta çhaglym nyn obbyr.

Cha nel ooilley ellyneyryn jannoo obbyr-ellyn cliaghtagh. Ta caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl sprite jannoo ymmyd jeh spriteyn veih gammanyn co-earrooder, jannoo coip jeu as cur stiagh ad 'sy skeeal myr karracteyr. Chammah's shen, ta caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ayn as ad jannoo ymmyd jeh ellyn garrit, ellyn er ny 'eddyn, as fotografyn. Myr sampleyr, ta A Softer World, liorish Joey Comeau as Emily Horne, goll er jannoo lesh fotografyn as scheimyn far-chlouscreeu. [12] Ayns ny skeealyn jeant rolaue shoh, ta crootaght son y chooid smoo goll er cur da'n screeu.

Ta ellyneyryn ayn as adsyn jannoo caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl raad ta'n ellyn cheddin ec dagh ooilley duillag. Myr sampleyr, Dinosaur Comics liorish Ryan North. Cha nel agh ny focklyn t'ad caghlaa. [13] Ta Ellyn pixelagh myr spriteyn, agh ayns ynnyd jeh goaill jallooyn veih gammanyn ny myr shen, ta'n ellyneyr jannoo obbyr noa cruinnys myn. Ta Diesel Sweeties ny hampleyr ard-ghooagh. [14]

Caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ta hene-soilshaghey, cha nel ad fo lhiettalys soilsheyderyn ny syndacait caslys-skeealyn, as myr shen ta seyrsnys ellynagh. Dy dooghyssagh, ta kuse dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl sheeyney cagleeyn blass mie, jannoo ny by vie lhieu er y fa nagh vel monney kinseyraght er yn eddyr-voggle.[2] Foddee cooishyn caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl jannoo doilleeidyn foast: va boirey leighagh ec Tristan Farnon lurg ren eh arrish er Dilbert as cooishyn an-ghraagh ayn.[15] Ren y Catholic League çhionnraaghey mychione corrym ard-vollaghtagh jeh Yeesey liorish Eric Millikin ayns Fetus-X, yn caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl echey. [16]

Caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl as skeeal-hasht mooar oc, t'ad soilshaghey magh lioaryn çhaglym dy mennick. Nyn as croo scheimyn pabyr-naight ny caslys-lioaryn oc, t'ad cliaghtey rere'n croo oc, agh ta doilleeidyn clou ec ellyneyryn ta jannoo caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl as croo neuchadjin oc.

Shennaghys[reagh | edit source]

Mastey ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl smoo leah va T.H.E. Fox, va goll er soilshaghey magh er Compuserve as Quantum Link ayns 1986;[17] Where the Buffalo Roam, va goll er soilshaghey magh er FTP as usenet ayns 1991;[18] Doctor Fun, va goll er cur er yn eddyr-voggyl ayns 1993, [19] Netboy which was published on the web in the summer of 1994,[20]; as NetComics Weekly liorish Finnish Comics Society, ren goaill toshiaght ayns 1994[21] as hiank er derrey 1999 (ny 2001 ayns Finnlynnish). Ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl foddey-beayn ta ayn foast, t'ad goaill stiagh Art Comics Daily (ghow toshiaght ayn Mee Vayrnt 1995), Argon Zark! (Mean Souree 1995), Kevin and Kell (Mean Fouyir 1995), as Slow Wave (Mee Houney 1995).

Ta ellyneyryn elley gra dy row ad y chied ayns genre ennagh ny sorçh ellyn ennagh, ny dy hug adsyn bree da troa cadjin. Ghow The Polymer City Chronicles toshiaght er y 13oo laa Mee Vayrnt, 1995[22], as ta aggyrtys echey dy row eh y chied caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl mychione gammanyn co-earrooder. Cha row Bob and George y chied caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl sprite er yn eddyr-voggyl, agh ta sleih gra dy hug eh bree da'n troa cadjin. Ghow Twisted Kaiju Theater toshiaght ayns Mee Luanistyn 2000. Hug Twisted Toyfare Theater, veih earishlioar ToyFare, ard-smooinaght da. Cha row eh y chied caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl fotograf v'ayn, agh t'eh goit rish dy cadjin son cur y troa fo raad.

Ayns ny kiare feed as jeigyn anmagh, vooadee ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl v'ayn dy tappee, as fir ennoil myr Sluggy Freelance, Roomies! (roie-hagher It's Walky), Piled Higher and Deeper, Newshounds, User Friendly, Penny Arcade as PvP. T'adsyn kuse dy ny fir smoo cummaghtagh t'ayn.

Ayns Mee Vayrnt 2000, hug er bun Chris Crosby, e voir Teri as Darren Bleuel y giat caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl Keenspot. [23][24] Hug er bun Crosby and Bleuel shirveish seyr cummal seose caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ayns Jerrey Souree 2000. Va'n chied ennym echey KeenSpace, agh ren ad caghlaa eh dys Comic Genesis ayns Jerrey Souree 2005.

Ayns Jerrey Souree 2000, ren Austin Osueke soilshaghey magh eigoMANGA, eddyr-ghiat soilshaghey manga noa er yn eddyr-voggyl: eddyr-vanga. Sthie y vlein shoh, hug eddyr-earlishlioaryn caslys-skeealyn tastey da eigoMANGA, as erreish da shen haink rish eh ayns Wizard Magazine ayns Mee Vayrny 2001. Hug shen tastey y hynskyl caslys-skeealyn er caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl.

Ayns Mee Luanistyn 2000, hie er soilshaghey magh traaghtys Scott McCloud Reinventing Comics, as lieh jeh loayrt er caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl. Ga dy vel ny barelyn echey arganagh ny keayrtyn, va McCloud ny ‘er jeh y chied voylleyderyn caslys-skeealyn bun-earrooagh, as she foast fer cummaghtagh 'sy vagher t'eh. Ny keayrtyn, ta ny sheiltynyssyn echey croo resoonaght mychione raad lhisin caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl goll, as ny t'ad, dy cruinn. Chammah as shen, er lesh ta bun-eeck aght mie da screeudeyryn as ellyneyryn cummal seose ny obbyr oc, agh ta ram resoonaght as arganeys ayn mychione yn eie shoh. [25][26]

Ayns 2001, ghow y boayl tailley-lhaih caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl Cool Beans World toshiaght erreish da troddan soilsheydys enney ard, goaill stiagh soilsheenaghey clout lhean. Chossyn eh aundyr Internet Magazine Boayl y Vee ayns Jerrey Fouyir 2001. [27] Adsyn screeu da, v'ad goaill stiagh (chammah as sleih elley) crootee caslys-skeealyn Pat Mills, Simon Bisley, John Bolton as Kevin O'Neill, as y screeudeyrClive Barker.[28] Va'n lught goaill stiagh Scarlet Traces as Marshal Law.

Ayns Mee Vayrtn 2001, hug Shannon Denton as Patrick Coyle bun er Komikwerks.com. She ynnyd-eggey t'ayn as eshyn cur magh duillagyn seyr veih sleih gerrymoil caslys-skeeal as bio-chaslys. Ren y chied enmyn goaill stiagh Astounding Space Thrills liorish Steve Conley, Buzzboy liorish John Gallagher, as Johnny Smackpants liorish Coyle.

Hug Joey Manley bun er Modern Tales er Mee Vayrnt 2002, çhebbal caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl er tailley. [29] Ta serializer, girlamatic as Graphic Smash nyn moayl-paitçhyn echey.

Rish 2005, va cummal seose caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ny keird hene. Va buill lheid as Comic Genesis, Drunk Duck, Smack Jeeves as Webcomics Nation ayn.[30] Cooid smoo jeh ny thousaneyn dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl t’ayn, t’ad goll er cummal seose er ny buill shoh.

Ayns 2006, screeu Universal Press Syndicate er caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl ayns trass lioar y straih Attitude: The New Subversive Cartoonists. Hug ad tastey er fir lheid as The Perry Bible Fellowship, Cat and Girl, as A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible.[31]

Ga y row syndicaityn caslys-skeealyn er yn eddyr-voggyl neayr’s mean yeih-bleeaney kiare feed as jeih, cha ghow toshiaght soilsheyderyn tradishoonagh myr Marvel Comics jannoo obbyr bun-earrooagh dy trome derrey 2006-7.[32] Hug er bun DC Comics yn eddyr-vanglane oc, Zuda Comics, ayns 2007. [33] Ta sleih cur stiagh obbyr da’n voayl son dy cho-hirrey son conaant keird caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl y yannoo.

Bondeeys[reagh | edit source]

As ta caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl er mooadaghey, ta eddyr-vondeeyssyn er mooadaghey mygeayrt-y-moo. Ta kuse dy ellyneyryn beeaghey yn lught-fir jeeaney oc liorish forymyn, boaylyn fir jeean as bloggyn, as ny keayrtyn ta caarjys mie eddyr oc. [34] Ta ellyneyryn hene croo bondeeyssyn myrgeddin, liorish maylartey post-l, kianglaghyn as artyn forym. T’ad gobbraghey ry cheilley liorish duillagyn saieagh ynnydeyragh as co-fee, as t’ad çheet ry cheilley dys cochianglaghyn.[35] Ta bondeeyssyn elley çheet rish trooid eddyr-vuill cadjin caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl ta loayrt er y chooish: myr sampleyr, Comixpedia (nish enmyssit ComixTALK). Eddyr-vuill cur da sleih cummal seose ny shirveishyn elley, lheid as Comic Genesis, Drunk Duck ny buzzComix,ta beoyn oc neesht çhaglym bondeeyssyn. [36] As myr t’eh mychione yn eddyr-voggyl hene, ta’n bondeeys caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl cliaghtit rish arganys. Ta bree caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl bentyn rish toilçhinys chammah as foayr cadjin, as foddee caggey lossey eiyrt er taghyrtyn, er lheh my vel yn arganys bentyn rish caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl, ny e screeudeyr, as enney mie er lheh oc. Ram keayrtyn, ta bun yn arganys shayll as barel trome echey, ny ayns y duillag ny ayns yn art naight echey. Ta trughaneys eddyr daa hellyneyr bun cadjin elley, my vel eh feer ayn ny dyn. Ny keayrtyn, ta’n lught-fir jeeaney sheidey yn aile neesht.[36]

Dellal[reagh | edit source]

Ta kuse dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl myr xkcd speeideilagh.

Ta ellyneyryn ayn as foddee ad obbraghey er ny caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl oc lane-emshiragh, gyn obbyr elley. Ta’n possan ellyneyryn keird caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl goaill stiagh Mike Krahulik as Jerry Holkins jeh Penny Arcade, James Kochalka jeh American Elf,[37] Randall Munroe jeh xkcd, Brian Clevinger jeh 8-Bit Theater, Eric Millikin jeh Fetus-X,[38] Tim Buckley jeh Ctrl+Alt+Del, as ram fir elley. Yn chooid smoo jeu, gow ad toshiaght screeu myr ceau traa, agh v'ad cho rahoil dy nod ad beaghey er toyrtyssyn as cooid hraghtee.

Ta aghtyn eigsoylagh ayn son dy ellyneyryn cosney argid. Ta kuse jeu jannoo ymmyd jeh crockan dooragh (myr sampleyr, liorish PayPal) ny shirrey toyrtyssyn liorish yeearreeaght er lheh. Ny keayrtyn, t'ad çhebbal tooilley duillagyn son roshtyn sym er lheh, ny jallooyn toilçhin. Ta sleih elley creck cooid hraghtee as ny obbyr oc orroo, ny creck ellyn hene, fo oardagh, foddee. My vel dellal dy liooar ec y voayl, foddee argid soilsheenys ny olteynys goll er cosney. Ta kuse dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl er nyn glou magh myr lioaryn çhaglym, hene-soilshit dy mennick. Sampleyryn jeu, t'ad goaill stiagh PvP, Dominic Deegan, Sluggy Freelance, as Megatokyo, chammah as ymmodee fir elley.

Ta kuse dy caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl, lheid as Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet, Van Von Hunter[39] as Diesel Sweeties[40] er nyn ngeddyn liorish syndacait, as t'ad goll er clou ayns duillagyn caslys-skeealyn pabyryn-naight. Ta fir elley, lheid as The Perry Bible Fellowship ny PartiallyClips er nyn soilshaghey magh ayns pabyryn-naight ny earlishlioaryn sur-oaylleeagh. Ta The Order of the Stick er ny chlou ayns Dragon Magazine[41]

Ny yei shen, da'n chooid smoo jeh ellyneyr, she obbyr graih jannoo caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl, cha nee caa cosney argid. T'ad geeck da ny cooid ellyn, cummal seose er reireyder as baarailyn elley oc hene, gyn goaill monney cur stiagh ayn. Da ellyneyr ta geeck da'n cummal seose oc hene, ta lheead-boandey ny nhee mooar. Myr smoo ellynoil yn caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl, smoo deyr y cummal seose jeh. Ta ymmodee buill cummal seose caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl ayn: ta kuse jeu seyr agh shegin dhyt soilsheen y ghoaill stiagh; fir elley, t'ou geeck daue as nagh vel soilsheen oc. Dy mennick, ta ny buill cur dhyt cooid vog son dy leodaghey feme fys çhaghnagh ec sleih cur bun er caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl as ny duillagyn bentyn rish.

Chammah as ellyneyryn ny lomarcan geabbey jannoo vondeish da caslys-skeeal eddyr-voggyl, ta greeseyderyn dellalys ayn, geabbey croo cummey dellal neesht. Va Scott McCloud, fer niartee fondit jeh myneeckys, ny 'er-choyrlee da'n çheshaght-dellal BitPass. Ta kuse dy hoilsheyderyn caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl, myr sampleyr y mooinjer buill Modern Tales, jannoo ymmyd jeh cummey olteynys.

Aundyryn[reagh | edit source]

Ta ronney eddyr-voggyl ec ymmodee aundyryn caslys-skeealyn. Hug ny Eagle Awards bun er Reih Caslys-Skeealyn er yn Eddyr-Voggyl ayns 2000, as ren ny Ignatz Awards y chied red ayns 2001. Erreish da enmys caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl da ymmodee jeh ny ronnaghyn caslys-skeealyn clouit tradishoonagh oc, hug ny Eisner Awards bun er ronney Caslys-Skeealyn Bun-Earrooagh Share ayns 2005. Ren ny Harvey Awards eiyrt orroo ayns 2006 (Obbyr Caslys-Skeeal Eddyr-voggyl Share) as ny Shuster Awards ayns 2007 (Aundyr Crooder Caslys-Skeeal Eddyr-voggyl Ard-Yindyssagh Canadagh).

Ta ny Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards [42][43] nyn aundyryn er ny chur magh dagh blein neayr’s 2001. Myr jesh-cliaghtey, ta possan ellyneyr jannoo caslys-skeealyn eddyr-voggyl er ny taghyrtyn. Ayns 2007, va jesh-cliaghtey loaghtagh ec Megacon.

Ta ny Clickburg Webcomic Awards (ny "Clickies") er ny chur magh neayr's 2005 ec feish caslys-skeealyn Stripdagen Haarlem. T'ad son screeudeyr gobbraghey ayns ny çheeraghyn Benelux, er-lhimmey jeh un aundyr eddyr-ashoonagh [44]

Jeeagh er neesht[reagh | edit source]

Imraaghyn[reagh | edit source]

  1. talkaboutcomics.com. Feddynit er 2007-05-10.
  2. a b c Steven Lacy (2007-11-21). Webcomics are profane, explicit, humorous — and influencing trends. Charleston City Paper.
  3. McCloud, Scott (2000). Reinventing Comics, New York: Paradox Press. ISBN 0-06-095350-0. Dg. 200-233
  4. McCloud, Scott (July 2001). McCloud in Stable Condition Following Review, Groth Still at Large. The Comics Journal, no. 235. Dg. 70-79
  5. Flagg, Gordon (August 2006). "Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists". Booklist, Dg. 23
  6. Kuehner, John C. (December 21, 2004). Comic artists use Web to ensnare readers. The Seattle Times, Dg. F2
  7. Brownstein, Charles (January 2002). Tape This to Your Cubicle Wall. The Comics Journal, no. 240. Dg. 56-57
  8. Hodgman, John (July 18, 2004). CHRONICLE COMICS; No More Wascally Wabbits. The New York Times. Feddynit er 2006-04-11.
  9. Yang, Jeff (October 25 2006) chammah as "ASIAN POP: See you in the funny pages". San Francisco Gate
  10. Wolk, Douglas. McNeil's Finder Goes Online. Publisher's Weekly. Feddynit er 2007-02-13.
  11. MacDonald, Heidi. Webcomics: Page Clickers to Page Turners. Publisher's Weekly. Feddynit er 2007-02-02.
  12. Arrant, Chris. It’s A Softer World After All. Publisher's Weekly. Feddynit er 2007-02-18.
  13. Rall, Ted (2006). Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists, New York: Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine. ISBN 1-56163-465-4. Dg. 115-121.
  14. Hodges, Michael H. (January 8, 2007). Diesel Sweeties tackles nuts, bolts of love. The Detroit News, Dg. 1E
  15. Crane, Jordan (April 2001). A Silly Little Coat Hanger for Fart Jokes: Talkin' Comics with Leisuretown.com's Tristan A Farnon. The Comics Journal, no. 232. Dg. 80-89
  16. "Michigan State President Acts Presidential". (November 2000). Catalyst Journal of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
  17. T.H.E.-FOX.TXT. The Commodore 64/128 RoundTable on Genie. Feddynit er 2007-07-01.
  18. Where the Buffalo Roam -- First Comic on the Internet. ShadowCulture. Feddynit er 2007-07-01.
  19. (Mee ny Nollick 17, 2000). "Readers know how to find "Fun"". Chapel Hill Herald Dg. 9
  20. Silverman, Dwight . (August 24, 1994). "Cybertoons: Comic artists find an instant audience on the Internet". St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Dg. 5C
  21. What's New With NCSA Mosaic and the WWW (June, 1994) (HTML). Feddynit er 2006-11-03.
  22. Dr. Otto's Do-It-Yourself Bomb Disposal. Game Zero magazine. Feddynit er 2007-01-18.
  23. Yim, Roger. (Averil 2, 2001). "DOT-COMICS: Online cartoons skip traditional syndication and draw loyal fans on the Internet". San Francisco Chronicle. Dg. D1
  24. Newman, Heather. (Toshiaght Arree 2, 2001). "See You In The Funny Pixels: Michigan Cartoonists Draw On Web Sites To Find Readers". Detroit Free Press. Dg. 1H
  25. McCloud, Scott. Misunderstanding Micropayments. Feddynit er 2007-05-02.
  26. Hammersley, Ben. Making the web pay. The Guardian. Feddynit er 2007-05-02.
  27. Rogers, Jean. Comics and New Media. Feddynit er 2007-03-15.
  28. Martin, Jessica. Cool Beans or Dead Beans: can the comic barons cross onto the web?. Feddynit er 2007-03-15.
  29. Ho, Patricia Jiayi (July 8, 2003). "Online comic artists don't have to play panel games". Alameda Times-Star (Alameda, CA)
  30. Walker, Leslie (June 16, 2005). "Comics Looking to Spread A Little Laughter on the Web". The Washington Post, Dg. D1.
  31. Rall, Ted (2006). Attitude 3: The New Subversive Online Cartoonists, New York: Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine. ISBN 1-56163-465-4.
  32. Soponis, Trevor. Publishers Look to Digital Comics. Publishers' Weekly. Feddynit er 2007-05-02.
  34. Cooper, Kelly J.. Webcomic Communities (Part Two), Interactivity: Fuel for your fave Creator?. Comixpedia. Feddynit er 2007-02-13.
  35. Zabel, Joe. The Future of Webcomics. The Webcomics Examiner. Feddynit er 2007-02-13.
  36. a b Zabel, Joe. A Shrinkage of the Center?. The Webcomics Examiner. Feddynit er 2007-02-13. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "WebcomicExaminer2" defined multiple times with different content
  37. Glenn, Joshua (Jerrey Souree 11, 2004). "This American Elf". The Boston Globe, Dg. D2.
  38. Brenner, Lynn (Toshiaght Arree 27, 2000). "What People Earn: How Did You Do This Year?". Parade Magazine, Dg. 9.
  39. Memmott, Carol (Mee ny Nollick 29, 2005). "Comics pages make room for manga; Newspapers target the young". USA Today, Dg. 1D.
  40. Astor, Dave (Jerrey Geuree 2, 2007). "'Lio' and 'Pearls' Among Comics Replacing Daily 'FoxTrot'". editorandpublisher.com
  41. Paizo Publishing Creates Strategic Alliance with The Order of the Stick creator Rich Burlew, Paizo.com, Mean Fouyir 30, 2005.
  42. Boxer, Sarah (August 172005). "Comics Escape a Paper Box, and Electronic Questions Pop Out". New York Times.
  43. "Attack of the Show". G4TechTV. Aired 12 August2005.
  44. Mirk, Jeroen. blog comicbase.nl. Comixpedia. Feddynit er 2007-01-31.

Kianglaghyn mooie[reagh | edit source]