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Manchester United F.C.

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(Aa-enmyssit ass Manchester United)
Manchester United F.C.
(en) Manchester United Football Club Edit the value on Wikidata

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Sonreeaghtyn bunneydagh
Far-ennymThe Red Devils as Setan Merah Edit the value on Wikidata
Sorçhclub soccer
men's association football team (en) Translate
colught theayagh Edit the value on Wikidata
Croo leighoilprivate company limited by shares (en) Translate Edit the value on Wikidata
Croo leighoil
Date bunneeaght1878
Bunneyder(yn)Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (en) Translate Edit the value on Wikidata
Spoyrtsoccer Edit the value on Wikidata
Ynnyd thieOld TraffordTrafford . 75,731  Edit the value on Wikidata
GialdynerTeamViewer (en) Translate
Adidas AG (en) Translate
DXC Technology (en) Translate
Tezos (en) Translate
Cadbury (mul) Translate Edit the value on Wikidata
Stock exchange (en) TranslateLua error: expandTemplate: template "boorse as sthockyn" does not exist.
Eagraíocht agus rialtas
EaghtyraneysJoel Glazer (en) Translate
Avram Glazer (en) Translate Edit the value on Wikidata
Ard-ghreinneyderRuben Amorim (mul) Translate (2024–) Edit the value on Wikidata
Parent organization (en) TranslateManchester United Plc Edit the value on Wikidata
ShellooderManchester United Limited (en) Translate (7230%).
Ineos (en) Translate (2770%). Edit the value on Wikidata
Sonreeaghtyn elley

Ynnyd-eggeymanutd.com Edit the value on Wikidata
Facebook: manchesterunited Twitter: ManUtd Instagram: manchesterunited LinkedIn: manchester-united Youtube: UC6yW44UGJJBvYTlfC7CRg2Q TikTok: manutd Musicbrainz: 975127e7-5be1-4c40-a70d-a51409c0ed4a Discogs: 322068

Ta Manchester United Football Club ny chlub sockyr Sostynagh ta soit ayns Old Trafford, Manchuin. T'eh er credjal dy vel eh yn club smoo ard-ennymagh er feie ny cruinney lesh ny smoo na baanreydee echey. Va'n club bunnit 'sy vlein 1878 myr Newton Heath L&YR F.C..

Kianglaghyn magh

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