Caghlaaghyn s'noa
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Shirrey ny caghlaaghyn s'noa da'n wiki er y duillag shoh.
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- r
- Ren bot y reaghey shoh
- (±123)
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17 Jerrey Geuree 2025
- anchshen Ronney:Meoiraghtyn y Rank 01:44 −9 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen N Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Île-de-France 01:43 +186 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Rheynnyn y Rank rere ard 01:41 +102 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Rheynnyn Île-de-France 01:40 +169 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Paarys 01:39 +27 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (+imraaghyn)
- anchshen Paarys 01:38 +142 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen N Ronney:Buill chummaltagh 'sy Vritaan 01:31 +174 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Roazhon 01:30 +145 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- Scugh y Lioar chooishyn 01:27 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn moved page Ronney:Caayryn 'sy Rank to Ronney:Ard-valjyn 'sy Rank (chiarrymeeaght)
- anchshen N Ronney:Hauts-de-France 01:25 +52 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Gwengamp 01:22 +201 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Kastellin 01:20 +134 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen An Oriant 01:18 +338 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Saint-Omer 01:14 −2 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- anchshen Saint-Omer 01:14 +173 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Sant-Maloù 01:11 +42 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Liger-Atlantel 01:07 +1 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- anchshen N Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Liger-Atlantel 01:06 +254 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Aa-chommyoonyn ayns Liger-Atlantel 01:05 +230 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Ankiniz 01:03 +102 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Brest, y Vritaan 00:59 −2 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- anchshen Brest, y Vritaan 00:56 +236 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Calais 00:52 +7 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- anchshen Calais 00:51 +572 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Dunkerque 00:43 −2 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (lettraghey)
- anchshen Dinan 00:42 +174 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Dunkerque 00:39 +7 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- anchshen Dunkerque 00:38 −61 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (-shenn ronnaghyn)
- anchshen Dunkerque 00:37 +472 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (karraghey)
- Scugh y Lioar chooishyn 00:28 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn moved page Ronney:Fo-veoiraghtyn 'sy Rank to Ronney:Fo-veoiraghtyn y Rank (aght)
- anchshen Rolley bratteeyn y Litaan 00:27 0 Ziv resoonaght cohortyssyn (→ File replacement: png to svg)
- anchshen Ronney:Fo-veoiraghtyn 'sy Rank 00:27 −19 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Slystyn y Rank 00:25 +32 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (+ronney)
- anchshen Ronney:Arrondissements y Rank 00:25 −153 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (aastiurey) Tag: New redirect
- anchshen N Ronney:Slystyn y Rank 00:24 +172 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Slystyn y Rank rere rheynn 00:22 +194 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Ronney:Slystyn Nord (rheynn y Rank) 00:21 +12 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Nord (rheynn y Rank) 00:20 +51 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Pas-de-Calais 00:19 −3 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney elley)
- Lioar ny scryssaghyn magh 00:18 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn deleted page Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Nord-Pas-de-Calais (ronney follym)
- anchshen N Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Hauts-de-France 00:17 +190 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Buill chummaltagh ayns Hauts-de-France 00:16 +204 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Ard-valjyn ayns Hauts-de-France 00:14 +105 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Ronney:Lille 00:14 +39 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen N Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght Broioù al Liger 00:12 +193 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Buill chummaltagh ayns Broioù al Liger 00:11 +207 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen N Ronney:Ard-valjyn ayns Broioù al Liger 00:09 +106 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney noa)
- anchshen Ronney:Naoned 00:08 −26 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Naoned 00:07 +47 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronnaghyn elley)
- anchshen Ronney:Çheer-oaylleeaght y Rank Harrish Mooir 00:05 +1 MacTire02 resoonaght cohortyssyn (ronney kiartit)