Ealisaid II
She Benrein y Reeriaght Unnaneysit as 14 çheeraghyn elley as Çhiarn Vannin va Ealisaid II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 Averil 1926 – 8 Mean Fouyir 2022).[1][1][2] Ren ee reirey harrish 70 bleeaney as shiaght meeghyn, goaill toshiaght er 6 Toshiaght Arree 1952, as, rere shen, she ish ren reirey ny s'liurey na monark Goaldagh erbee rieau er dy henney.
Va Ealisaid ruggit ayns Mayfair, Lunnin, myr y chied phaitçhey lesh Diuc as Ben-diuc York (Ree Shorys VI as Benrein Ealisaid). Va'n ayr eck crooinit ayns 1936 lurg ren e vraar, Ree Edard VIII lhiggey voish y vonarkaght. V'ee ynsit dy preevaadjagh 'sy valley as hoshee ee goaill currymyn pobbylagh car y Nah Chaggey Dowanagh, goaill shirveish 'sy Çhirveish Heerey Choonee. Ayns Sauin 1947, phoose ee rish Philip Mountbatten, shenn flah y Ghreag as y Danvarg, as hie yn poosey oc er mayrn feie 73 bleeaney derrey laa e vaaish ayns Averil 2021. Va kiare paitçhyn oc: Çhalse III, Ben-phrinse Onnee, Ben-phrinse Reeoil, Prinse Andreas, Diuc York, as Prinse Edard, Eearley Wessex.
[reagh | edit source]- 1.^ Myr monark bunraghtoil, she kione steat va'n Venrein, agh va ny pooaraghyn kiannoortagh eck caglit rere coardailyn cadjincliaghtagh.[2]
- 2.^ T'ad ny 14 reamyssyn ayn na: Antigua as Barbuda, yn Austrail, ny Bahamaghyn, y Chanadey, Ellanyn Holomon, Grenada, Noo Kitts as Nevis, Noo Lucia, Noo Winsen as ny Grenadeenyn, Papooey Guinea Noa, y Teelynn Noa, Tuvalu, y Veleesh, as y Yamaicey.
[reagh | edit source]- ↑ Furness, Hannah (8 Mean Fouyir 2022). "Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96 at Balmoral". The Daily Telegraph.
- ↑ Alden, Chris (16 Boaldyn 2002). "Britain's monarchy | Q&A Jubilee". The Guardian.
Kianglaghyn magh
[reagh | edit source]- Y Venrein Ealisaid II ec ynnyd-eggey yn Lught Thie Reeoil
- Fogrey baaish ec BBC News Online
- Co-chaslyssyn Queen Elizabeth II ec y National Portrait Gallery, Lunnin
- Queen Elizabeth II ec IMDb
- Tuarystallyn er C-SPAN
- Ealisaid II
- Ruggyryn 'sy vlein 1926
- Baaseyn 'sy vlein 2022
- Monarkyn Goaldagh
- Offishearyn y Çhirveish Hallooinagh Choonee
- Anglicaanee Ghoaldagh
- Miallee Ghoaldagh
- Presbyteyree Ghoaldagh
- Ben-phrinsyn Goaldagh
- Shellooderyn as sheelreyderyn cabbil ratçhal Goaldagh
- Mraane Goaldagh 'sy Nah Chaggey Dowanagh
- Inneenyn lesh impiryn
- Inneenyn lesh reeghyn
- Ben-diucyn Ghoon Edin
- King steat Antigua as Barbuda
- King steat yn Austrail
- King steat ny Bahamaghyn
- King steat Barbados
- King steat y Veleesh
- King steat y Chanadey
- King steat Fiji
- King steat y Ghambia
- King steat y Ghaney
- King steat Grenada
- King steat Gheeaaney
- King steat y Jamaicey
- King steat y Cheinney
- King steat Malawi
- King steat y Valta
- King steat Ellan Wirrish
- King steat y Teelynn Noa
- King steat y Naigeer
- King steat y Phakistaan
- King steat Phapooey Guinea Noa
- King steat Noo Kitts as Nevis
- King steat Noo Lucia
- King steat Noo Winsen as ny Grenadeenyn
- King steat Sierra Leone
- King steat Ellanyn Holomon
- King steat Tanganyika
- King steat y Trinaid as Tobago
- King steat Tuvalu
- King steat Ooganda
- King y Cho-unnaneys
- Eiraghyn da'n troyn Goaldagh
- Ard-chaptanyn aer onnoroil
- Reeraghtys Windsor
- Çhagleyderyn cliejeenys
- Çhiarn Ard Ard-marree yn Reeriaght Unnaneysit
- Monarkyn Ceylon
- Monarkyn Vannin
- Monarkyn yn Affrick Yiass
- Monarkyn y Reeriaght Unnaneysit
- Deiney ass Mayfair
- Deiney enmyssit ayns Pabyryn y Phanamaa
- Benreinyn reiree ayns ny h-Ellanyn Goaldagh
- Time Person of the Year
- Mraane ayns shirveishyn armit y Chanadey