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Co-ordnaidyn: Kaart y speyr 19h 17m 36.1801s, −22° 23′ 23.721″
Ass Wikipedia.
Sorçhplanaid neughrianagh
Date feddyn maghJerrey Fouyir 2016[1]
Aght feddyn maghaght tessenagh[2]
Moir-redHATS-11 (mul) Translate
Co-hollys rollageaghy Sideyr Edit the value on Wikidata
AmmJ2000.0 Edit the value on Wikidata
Fysserree fishigagh
Essyl lieh-vooar a0.0507 AU[3]
Corrid e0.34[1]
Amm cruinlagh P3.6191546 d[4]
Cleayn i89.03 °[5]
Troyn fishigagh as rollageagh meadragh
Craue raadeeoil18.03 Earth radius (en) Translate[6] Edit the value on Wikidata
Glout0.83 M_J[7] Edit the value on Wikidata
Parallax1.0314 mas[8] Edit the value on Wikidata
Kiart-ghleashaght (cleaney)−20.127 mas/y [9] Edit the value on Wikidata
Kiart-ghleashaght (kiart-irree)2.139 mas/y [9] Edit the value on Wikidata
Kiart-irree (α)19h 17m 36.1801s[9] Edit the value on Wikidata
Jee-chleayney (δ)-22° -23′ -23.721″[9] Edit the value on Wikidata
Catalogyn rollageydagh
EPIC 216414930.01 (Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (en) Translate)
EPIC 216414930 b
EPIC 216414930b (Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (en) Translate)
K2-143b (K2 Confirmed Names (en) Translate)
TIC 11439959b (TESS Input Catalog (en) Translate) Edit the value on Wikidata

She planaid neughrianagh shickyrit eh HATS-11b, as ta enmyssit EPIC 216414930b chammah. Va'n planaid feddynit magh ayns 2016 as t'eh er ny ve raait dy vel eh cosoylagh rish Jupiter.[10] T'eh cruinlaghey yn rollage HATS-11.


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Va HATS-11b feddynit magh ayns 2016 liorish aght yn ard-hrasnaghey ec y Hungarian Automated Telescope Network (HATNet) ayns towshaney HATSouth, ta geearree planaidyn neughrianagh y gheddyn magh liorish yn aght trasnaghey. Voish y vlein 2009 (tra va shalee HATSouth currit er bun), ta ny smoo na 60 planaidyn neughrianagh er ny ve feddynit magh. Va glout HATS-11b feddynit magh liorish aght bieauid raadeeoil.

Ta HATS-11b er ny ve currit sheese myr planaid gollrish Jupiter, as t'eh cruinnlaghey rollage lesh meainaght injil ta 2,955 sollys-vleeantyn (906 parsecyn) voin. Ta amm cruinlagh er mysh 3.6 laaghyn Dowanagh as va'n çhiassid co-earrooit er 1,637 K (1,364 °C). Ta glout HATS-11b mysh 0.85MJ as ta'n craue raadeeoil echey 1.49RJ. Ta corrid chruinlagh y phlanaid ny sloo na 0.34, red ta taishbyney dy vel cruinlagh eelipsagh echey.[10][11]


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Ta HATS-11b cruinnlaghey mygeayrt y rollage HATS-11. Ta'n glout greiney ec HATS-11 1M as ta'n craue raadeeoil greiney echey 1.44R. She rollage jeh'n torçh G0, as jeh çhiassid veanagh. Ta HATS-11 boght er meainaght; ta'n veainaght echey mysh -3.09 [Fe/H], ny mysh un pheesh ayns dagh thousane jeh palçhey yn yiarn ayns cosoylaght rish y Ghrian.[10] Ta çhiassid vreeoil y rollage mysh 6,060 K (5,790 °C. Ta HATS-11 mysh 7.7 billoonyn bleeaney d'eash as ta'n mooadys baghtal echey 14, ta çheet er rollage nagh vel ry-akin ec y tooill.[12][13]


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  1. a b c George Zhou (Mean Fouyir 21, 2016). "HATS-11b AND HATS-12b: two transiting hot Jupiters orbiting subsolar metallicity stars selected for the K2 campaign 7" (4): 88–88. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/4/88. 
  2. Stated in: Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. Language of work or name: Baarle.
  3. John H. Livingston (Mee Houney 26, 2018). "Sixty Validated Planets from K2 Campaigns 5–8" (ayns Baarle) (6): 277. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/AAE778. 
  4. Carole Ann Haswell (2023). "ExoClock Project. III. 450 New Exoplanet Ephemerides from Ground and Space Observations" (1): 4. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/AC9DA4. 
  5. Daniel Bayliss (Toshiaght Arree 15, 2018). "HATS-36b and 24 Other Transiting/Eclipsing Systems from the HATSouth-K2 Campaign 7 Program" (ayns Baarle) (3): 119. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/AAA8E6. 
  6. "{{{title}}}" (26 Mee Houney 2018). doi:10.3847/1538-3881/AAE778. 
  7. "{{{title}}}" (15 Toshiaght Arree 2018). doi:10.3847/1538-3881/AAA8E6. 
  8. Stated in: SIMBAD.
  9. a b c d Stated in: Gaia Data Release 2. Language of work or name: Baarle. Publication date: 25 Averil 2018.
  10. a b c "HATS-11b AND HATS-12b: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7" (21 Mean Fouyir 2016). The Astronomical Journal. Ym-lioar 152 (4): 88. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/4/88. 
  11. "Autoregressive Planet Search: Feasibility Study for Irregular Time Series" (15 Jerrey Souree 2019). The Astronomical Journal. Ym-lioar 158 (2): 59. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab26b3. 
  12. Catalog HATS-11b ec The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopedia
  13. simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/HATS-11 Simbad data