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Orthonectida bwoirrinagh

Rang oaylleeagh
Ream: Eukaryota
(neu-rheynnit): Opisthokonta
Reeriaght: Animalia
Fo-reeriaght: Eumetasoa
(neu-rheynnit): Bilateria
Phylum: Orthonectida
Giard, 1877 [1][2]

She phylum beg sheeadaneyn marrey eh Orthonectida.[3] T'ad mastey ny h-yl-chillagee sloo cramp t'ayn.


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She beiyn mynreayrtagh beishteigagh t'ayn. Ta brat ynrican dy chillagyn kippeenagh mooie oc, as ymmodee killagyn gientynagh 'sy vean. T'ad snaue sthie corp yn oastagh[noa] (host); t'adsyn goaill stiagh Platyhelminthes, Polychaeta, Bivalvia as Echinoderma. Ta keintyssyn bwoirrinagh as firrynagh oc.[4]

Rish appeeaght, t'ad faagail yn oastagh. Ta sheel ny fir goll er soo stiagh ayns kirp ny mraane, as cooilleeney torraghey sthie. Ta'n sigoat gaase dys laarvey kippeenagh, faagail y voir as shirrey oastagh noa. Rish roshtyn oastagh, t'eh ceau e chippeenyn echey as jannoo laarvey syncytium[noa] plasmoidjagh[noa]. Fy-yerrey, nee eshyn rheynn ayns killagyn lomarcan vees aase dys sheeloghe noa.[4]


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Ta mysh 20 dooie er enney 'sy phylum, as Rhopalura ophiocomae y dooie share er enney.[3] Cha nel rangyn ny oardaghyn ayn, as cha nel agh daa chynney ayn.

Hoshiaght ren Alfred Mathieu Giard ad y enmys myr rang, ayns 1877.[5] T'ad er nyn rang-oardraghey fo Mesosoa dy cadjin, agh rere studeyrys jeinagh, ta scansh eddyr oc as rhombosoa, olteynyn elley Mesosoa.[3]

Dooieyn er enney

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Phylum Orthonectida


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  1. H. Furuya & J. van der Land (2010). = taxdetails&id = 14220 Orthonectida. World Register of Marine Species. Feddynit er January 12, 2011.
  2. Orthonectida Giard, 1877. Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Feddynit er January 12, 2011.
  3. a b c Ben Hanelt, David Van Schyndel, Coen M. Adema, Louise A. Lewis & Eric S. Loker (November 1996). "= long&pmid = 8896370 The phylogenetic position of Rhopalura ophiocomae (Orthonectida) based on 18S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis". Molecular Biology and Evolution 13 (9). PMID 8896370. 
  4. a b Robert D. Barnes (1982). Invertebrate Zoology. Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International, 247–248. ISBN 0-03-056747-5.
  5. Alfred Mathieu Giard (1877). "Sur les Orthonectida, classe nouvelle d'animaux parasites des Échinodermes et des Turbellariés" (Frangish). Comptes Rendus 85 (18).