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Ronney:Artyn Wikipedia goaill stiagh symney veih'n Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906

Ass Wikipedia.

This category contains articles that cite the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, which is in the public domain. Some articles excerpt the text in its original form; others include significant rewordings of excerpts. Articles that have rewritten an excerpt completely do not appear here. Articles that incorporate text from the Encyclopædia should provide the citation by adding {{Jewish Encyclopedia}} or {{Cite Jewish Encyclopedia}} to the article, which will also put the article in this category or one of the subcategories of this category. See Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics for further notes.

Duillagyn 'sy ronney "Artyn Wikipedia goaill stiagh symney veih'n Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906"

Ta yn 1 duillag heese 'sy ronney shoh, jeh'n lane-sym 1.