Wikipedia:Laaghyn reiht/8 Boaldyn
She 8 Boaldyn y 128oo laa jeh'n vlein rere feaillere Gregoiragh ny yn 129oo laa ayns blein vishee. Ta 237 laa faagit 'sy vlein.
- 1745 – Ruggyr Carl Stamitz, biol-chloieder as cummeyder Germaanagh (b. 1801)
- 1794 – Baase Antoine Lavoisier, kemmigagh as bea-oayllee Frangagh (r. 1743)
- 1842 – Baase Jules Dumont d'Urville, ard-marragh as ronseyder Frangagh (r. 1790)
- 1912 – Va Paramount Pictures bunnit
- 1970 – Skeayl The Beatles magh nyn albym seyrlann jerrinagh, Let It Be
- 1975 – Ruggyr Enrique Iglesias, arraneyder, screeudeyr arrane, gienteyder, as aghteyr Spaainagh-Americaanagh
- 1999 – Baase Dirk Bogarde ('sy jalloo), aghteyr as scaa-screeudeyr Sostynagh (r. 1921)