Anders Celsius
Anders Celsius | |
| |
Ruggit |
27 Mee Houney 1701 (ayns feaillere Yool) Uppsala, y Toolynn |
Hooar baase |
25 Averil 1744 (ayns feaillere Yool) Uppsala, y Toolynn |
Bun baaish | baase najooragh (gorley shymlee) |
Boayl oanluckee | Old Uppsala Church (en) |
Ynnyd beaghee | y Toolynn |
Seyraanaght | y Toolynn |
Çhengey | Ladjyn · Soolynnish |
Keird | rollageyder · fishigagh · maddaghteyr · ynseyder ollooscoill · ynlaghteyr · kemmigagh · meteorologist (en) |
Failleyderyn | Ollooscoill Uppsala |
Ynsagh | Ollooscoill Uppsala |
Sheshey | no value |
Ayr | Nils Celsius |
Enmys |
Rector of the University of Uppsala (en) Rector of the University of Uppsala (en) |
Olteynys boayrd |
y Çheshaght Reeoil German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (en) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (en) Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (en) Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala (en) |
Aundyryn |
slane rolley |
Kianglaghyn fysseree as sheshoil | |
Haink Anders Celsius (27 Sauin 1701 - 25 Averil 1744) veih lught-thie chossyn ard-ghoo ayns sheanse. V'eh ruggit ayns Uppsala 'sy Toolynn 'sy vlein 1701. V'eh jeant ny olloo er y rollageydys ayns 1943 ayns Ollooscoill Uppsala.
Ren Anders Celsius studeyrys er yn Aurora Borealis, ta shen dy ghra, lossan y twoaie. As phrow eh feddyn y mooadys jeh rollageyn ennagh liorish towse y ghillid oc.
'Sy vlein 1742 hug eh er bun yn aarey-tempreilys ta beaynaghey yn ennym echey, yn aarey Celsius. Ayns y toshiaght, dooyrt eh dy nee 0° va point-broie ushtey, as dy nee 100° va point-rioee ushtey. Agh ayns 1945, lurg baase Celsius voish çhingys y cleeau, hug Carl Linnaeus shen bun ry skyn as dooyrt eh:
- Point-rioee ushtey = 0°C
- Point-broie ushtey = 100°C