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Arthur William Moore

Ass Wikipedia.
Arthur William Moore
Ruggit6 Toshiaght Arree 1853(1853-02-06)
Strooan y Chrink, Braddan, Mannin
Hooar baase12 Mee Houney 1909 (56 bleeaney d'eash)
Strooan ny Keylley, Doolish, Mannin
Boayl oanluckeeSkeerey Braddan
SeyraanaghtReeriaght Unnaneysit y Vretyn Vooar as Nerin
ÇhengeyBaarle · Gaelg
Keirdscreeudeyr shennaghys · jantagh eggey feeit · politickeyr
YnsaghRugby School (en) Translate
Colleish y Trinaid, Cambridge
ShesheyLouisa Elizabeth Wynn Hughes-Games (en) Translate  (1887 –  unknown value)
AyrWilliam Fine Moore
MoirHannah Christian
Enmysbriw shee
Loayreyder y Chiare as Feed
Olteynys boayrdRoyal Historical Society (en) Translate

She screeudeyr shennaghys, çhengoayllee, as politickeyr Manninagh va Arthur William Moore CVO LKF BS MA (6 Toshiaght Arree 1853[1] – 12 Sauin 1909[2]). She Loayreyder y Chiare as Feed v'eh eddyr 1898 as laa e vaaish 'sy vlein 1909. Myrane lesh y choorse politickagh echey, va sym as paart mooar echey ayns cooishyn Gaelgagh, as she bunneyder y Çheshaght Ghailckagh v'eh. Screeu eh fo'n ghiare-ennym A. W. Moore.


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V'eh ruggit ayns Strooan y Chrink, Skeerey Braddan, Mannin. She mac lesh William Fine Moore OKF as Hannah Christian v'eh as v'eh jeh'n sluight fuilleeaght veih Illiam Dhone. V'eh ynsit ayns scoillyn preevadjagh ayns Doolish as ayns scoill aarlagh ayns Weybridge, Surrey[3] 'Sy vlein 1867, as eh 14 bleeaney d'eash, hie eh stiagh 'sy scoill ayns Rugby School as 'sy vlein 1872 hie eh stiagh ayns Colleish ny Trinaid, Cambridge.[4][3] Lurg shen, ren eh cooney yn ayr echey ayns reireydys y thie obbree va cur eaddagh shiaullee ry-cheilley. Dirree eh 'sy thie obbree lurg baase e ayr ayns ny hoghtadyn. She sporteyr mooar v'eh chammah, as eh ny 'er gorrym ayns Cambridge, ny ymmyrtagh lheiltagh, as ny vunneyder er Club Criggad Strooan y Chrink. Ghow eh y slane costys er cummey as greighey yn chlub ersyn hene, myrane lesh soiaghey yn thalloo.

Lurg haink jerrey lesh y thie obbree rere cleayney ny baataghyn gaal, hie eh stiagh 'sy Cholught Paggad Gaal myr stiureyder, as v'eh ny stiureyder er Colught Bancagh Ellan Vannin.[5]

Phoose Moore rish Elizabeth Wynn, 'neen Ard-Jaghin Vannin yn arrymagh Joshua Hughes-Games, er 24 Toshiaght Arree 1887.[1][5] Va kiare paitçhyn oc - Helena Christian Wynn Moore (r. 1888), Margery Christian Moore (r. 1889), William Arnold Christian Moore (1893 - 1894), as Arthur Hughes Games Christian Moore.[1]

Coorse politickagh

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Coorse screeuee

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Rolley obbraghyn

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Shoh rolley neuslane jeh ny h-obbraghyn echey:

  • The Surnames and Place Names of the Isle of Man (1890)
  • Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man (1891)
  • Manx Carols (1891)
  • "Further Notes on Manx Folk-Lore" ayns The Antiquary (1895)
  • Manx Ballads and Music (1896)
  • History of the Isle of Man (1900)
  • The Diocese of Sodor and Man (1893)
  • Manx Worthies (1901)
  • Bishop Hildesley's Letters (1904)
  • Douglas 100 Years Ago (1904)
  • Extracts from the Records of the Isle of Man (1905).
  • A Vocabulary of the Anglo-Manx Dialect (1924, lurg e vaase)


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  1. a b c "Arthur William Moore" (ayns Baarle). thePeerage.com. 7 Sauin 2005. Feddynit magh er 11 Sauin 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= as |date= (cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)
  2. "The Times/1909/Obituary/Arthur William Moore" (ayns Baarle). The Times, aahoilshit magh ayns Wikisource. 13 Sauin 1909. Feddynit magh er 11 Sauin 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= as |date= (cooney); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)
  3. a b Quine, John (Luanistyn 1912). "Preface" (ayns Baarle). Manx Notebook. Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2010-08-18. Feddynit magh er 11 Sauin 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)
  4. Arthur William Moore ayns Venn, J. & J. A., Alumni Cantabrigienses, Cambridge University Press, 10 ym-lioaryn, 1922–1958.
  5. a b Morrison, Sophia. "Brief Biography of A.W. Moore 1853-1909" (ayns Baarle). Manx Notebook. Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2001-06-27. Feddynit magh er 11 Sauin 2010. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)

Kianglaghyn mooie

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