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Parlamaid yn Oarpey

Ass Wikipedia.
Parlamaid yn Oarpey
7oo Parlamaid yn Oarpey
SorçhThie Heese
EaghtyraneJerzy Buzek, EPP
veih 14 Jerrey Souree 2009
Lhiass Eaghtyraneyn
veih 14 Jerrey Souree 2006
Fer toshee jeh'n phartee smooJoseph Daul, EPP
veih 9 Jerrey Geuree 2007
Fer toshee jeh'n 2h phartee smooMartin Schulz, S&D
veih 5 Jerrey Souree 2004
Olteynyn736 OPOyn
Possanyn politickagh     EPP (265)

     S&D (184)
     ALDE (85)
     Glass – EFA (55)
     ECR (54)
     EUL-NGL (35)
     EFD (31)

     Gyn partee (27)
Corys reihysRolley parteeghyn as VSY
Reihys jerrinagh4–7 Mean Souree 2009
Boayl çhionnal
1d: Louise Weiss: Strassburg, y Rank (jalloo)
2h: Espace Léopold: Y Vrussyl, y Velg
Scrudeyraght: Lucsemburg & y Vrussyl

Ta Parlamaid yn Oarpey ny yn Pharlamaid Oarpagh ny h-undinys parlamaidagh jeeragh-reiht jeh'n Unnaneys Oarpagh (UO). Myrane lesh Coonseil yn Unnaneys Oarpagh (y Choonseil), t'eh jannoo seose y chrouw slattyssagh ghaa-hamyragh jeh'n UO as t'eh er cur sheese eck dy vel ee coontit myr nane jeh ny quaiylyn slattyssagh smoo cummaghtagh er y theihll.[1] Ta'n Pharlamaid as y Choonseil jannoo seose y corpane slattyssagh s'yrjey çheusthie jeh'n UO. Ta'n Pharlamaid jeant seose jeh 736 OPOyn ny MEPyn, as t'ad goaill shirveish er y nah reihderaght gheynlagh smoo er y theihll (lurg yn Injey) as y reihderaght gheynlagh harrish-ashoonagh smoo er y theihll lesh 375 millioon dy reihderyn 'sy vlein 2009.[2][3]


[reagh | edit source]
  1. "Professor Farrell: "The EP is now one the of the most powerful legislatures in the world"". Parlamaid ny h-Oarpey. 2007-06-18. Feddynit magh er 2007-07-05.
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/07/AR2009060702402.html The Washington Post, 8 Mean Souree, 2009
  3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/jun/07/eu-elections-social-democrats The Guardian, 8 Mean Souree 2009