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Wikipedia:Artyn er-laccal

Ass Wikipedia.

This page shows the articles that we want to have soon. Your help is welcomed. You can help by creating these articles in Manx.

List of articles that all the wikipedias must have[edit source]

Bea-skeeal[edit source]

Aghteyryn, Daunseyryn, Mannakeenyn[edit source]

  1. Bardot, Brigitte
  2. Bernhardt, Sarah
  3. Brando, Marlon
  4. Chaplin, Charlie
  5. Dietrich, Marlene
  6. Marx Brothers
  7. Monroe, Marilyn

Ellyneyryn as Ard-obbreeyn[edit source]

  1. Bruegel, Pieter the Elder
  2. Corbusier, Le
  3. Dalí, Salvador
  4. Donatello
  5. Dürer, Albrecht
  6. Gogh, Vincent van
  7. Goya, Francisco
  8. Kahlo, Frida
  9. Matisse, Henri
  10. Leonardo da Vinci
  11. Michelangelo
  12. Pei, I. M.
  13. Picasso, Pablo
  14. Raphael
  15. Rembrandt
  16. Rubens, Peter Paul
  17. Velázquez, Diego
  18. Warhol, Andy
  19. Wright, Frank Lloyd

Ughtaryn, Screeuderyn cloie as Feeleeyn[edit source]

  1. Abu Nuwas
  2. Bashō
  3. Borges, Jorge Luis
  4. Byron, George
  5. Camões, Luís de
  6. Cervantes, Miguel de
  7. Chaucer, Geoffrey
  8. Chekhov, Anton
  9. Daniel, Arnaut
  10. Darío, Rubén
  11. Dostoevsky, Fyodor
  12. Ferdowsi
  13. Fuzûlî
  14. García Márquez, Gabriel
  15. von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
  16. Homer
  17. Horace
  18. Hugo, Victor
  19. Ibsen, Henrik
  20. Kafka, Franz
  21. Kālidāsa
  22. Khayyam, Omar
  23. Li Bai
  24. Mahfouz, Naguib
  25. Molière
  26. Nabokov, Vladimir
  27. Ovid
  28. Premchand, Munshi
  29. Proust, Marcel
  30. Rimbaud, Arthur
  31. Rustaveli, Shota
  32. Saramago, José
  33. Sappho
  34. Shakespeare, William
  35. Singer, Isaac Bashevis
  36. Sophocles
  37. Sturluson, Snorri
  38. Tolstoy, Leo
  39. Twain, Mark
  40. Virgil
  41. Wordsworth, William
  42. Wu Cheng'en

Cummeyderyn as Kiaulleyderyn[edit source]

  1. Bach, Johann Sebastian
  2. Beatles, The
  3. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  4. Berlioz, Hector
  5. Bruckner, Anton
  6. Brahms, Johannes
  7. Chopin, Frédéric
  8. Dvořák, Antonín
  9. Handel, Georg Frideric
  10. Hendrix, Jimi
  11. Mahler, Gustav
  12. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
  13. Puccini, Giacomo
  14. Presley, Elvis
  15. Rolling Stones, The
  16. Schubert, Franz
  17. Sibelius, Jean
  18. Smetana, Bedřich
  19. Schumann, Robert
  20. Stravinsky, Igor
  21. Tchaikovsky, Petr
  22. Verdi, Giuseppe
  23. Vivaldi, Antonio
  24. Wagner, Richard

Ronseyderyn[edit source]

  1. Amundsen, Roald
  2. Armstrong, Neil
  3. Cartier, Jacques
  4. Columbus, Christopher
  5. Cook, James
  6. Cortés Hernán
  7. Drake, Francis
  8. Gagarin, Yuri
  9. Gama, Vasco da
  10. Hillary, Edmund
  11. Magellan, Ferdinand
  12. Polo, Marco
  13. Zheng He
  14. von Humboldt, Alexander

Stiureyderyn fillym as screeuderyn fillym[edit source]

  1. Bergman, Ingmar
  2. Disney, Walt
  3. Fellini, Federico
  4. Hitchcock, Alfred
  5. Kubrick, Stanley
  6. Kurosawa, Akira
  7. Lucas, George
  8. Spielberg, Steven

Feddynee, Oayllee as Maddaghteyryn[edit source]

  1. Archimedes
  2. Berners-Lee, Tim
  3. Brahe, Tycho
  4. Copernicus, Nicolaus
  5. Curie, Marie
  6. Darwin, Charles
  7. Edison, Thomas
  8. Einstein, Albert
  9. Euclides
  10. Euler, Leonhard
  11. Faraday, Michael
  12. Fermi, Enrico
  13. Fibonacci
  14. Ford, Henry
  15. Fourier, Joseph
  16. Galileo Galilei
  17. Gauss, Carl Friedrich
  18. Gutenberg, Johannes
  19. Haeckel, Ernst
  20. Joule, James Prescott
  21. Kepler, Johannes
  22. Keynes, John Maynard
  23. Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa al-
  24. Leibniz, Gottfried
  25. Linnaeus, Carl
  26. Maxwell, James Clerk
  27. Mendeleev, Dmitri
  28. von Neumann, John
  29. Newton, Sir Isaac
  30. Pascal, Blaise
  31. Pasteur, Louis
  32. Planck, Max
  33. Pythagoras
  34. Rutherford, Ernest
  35. Schrödinger, Erwin
  36. Stallman, Richard
  37. Tesla, Nikola
  38. Turing, Alan
  39. Watt, James

Oayllee Sheshaghtys (Falsoonee, Tarmaynee, Screeudeyryn shennaghys as Smooineyderyn)[edit source]

  1. Aquinas, Thomas
  2. Aristotle
  3. Augustine of Hippo
  4. Avicenna
  5. Bruno, Giordano
  6. Beauvoir, Simone de
  7. Chomsky, Noam
  8. Descartes, René
  9. Durkheim, Émile
  10. Francis of Assisi, Saint
  11. Freud, Sigmund
  12. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
  13. Herodotus
  14. Hippocrates
  15. Kant, Immanuel
  16. Locke, John
  17. Luther, Martin
  18. Luxemburg, Rosa
  19. Machiavelli, Niccolò
  20. Marx, Karl
  21. Nietzsche, Friedrich
  22. Paul of Tarsus
  23. Plato
  24. Pythagoras
  25. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  26. Jean-Paul Sartre
  27. Smith, Adam
  28. Socrates
  29. Sun Tzu
  30. Voltaire
  31. Weber, Max
  32. Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Politickeyryn, Fir hoshee as yn Ooashlaght[edit source]

  1. Akbar
  2. Alistair Mooar
  3. Atatürk, Kemal
  4. Augustus
  5. Barriaght y Reeriaght Unnaneysit
  6. Ben-Gurion, David
  7. Berlusconi, Silvio
  8. von Bismarck, Otto
  9. Blair, Tony
  10. Bolívar, Simón
  11. Bonaparte, Napoleon
  12. Bush, George W.
  13. Caesar, Julius
  14. Castro, Fidel
  15. Charlemagne
  16. Churchill, Winston
  17. Constantine Mooar
  18. Ealasaid I Hostyn
  19. Franco Bahamonde, Francisco
  20. De Gaulle, Charles
  21. Gandhi, Indira
  22. Genghis Khan
  23. Haile Selassie
  24. Halonen, Tarja
  25. Hirohito
  26. Hitler, Adolf
  27. Lenin, Vladimir
  28. Louis XIV
  29. Mandela, Nelson
  30. Mao Zedong
  31. Merkel, Angela
  32. Morales, Evo
  33. Mussolini, Benito
  34. Nkrumah, Kwame
  35. Peddyr I ny Roosh
  36. Qin Shi Huang
  37. Saladin
  38. Sharon, Ariel
  39. Sócrates, José
  40. Stalin, Joseph
  41. Thatcher, Margaret
  42. Truman, Harry
  43. Washington, George
  44. Zapatero, José Luís Rodríguez

Crauee[edit source]

  1. Abraham
  2. Moses
  3. Yeesey
  4. Mahommad
  5. Buddha

Irreyderyn magh[edit source]

  1. Gandhi, Mahatma
  2. Goldman, Emma
  3. Joan of Arc
  4. Keller, Helen
  5. King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  6. Mother Teresa
  7. Nightingale, Florence
  8. Guevara, Che

Cultoor[edit source]

  1. Cultoor
  2. Ellyn
  1. Scheim aitt
  2. Daahghey
  3. Fotografeeaght
  4. Grainnaghey
  1. Pasheydys
  1. Daunse
  2. Fashan
  3. Theater
  4. Festival de Cannes

Çhengey as Lettyraght[edit source]

  1. Çhengey
  2. Çhengaghyn reiht
  1. Arabish
  2. Bengaalish
  3. Sheenish
  4. Baarle
  5. Esperanto
  6. Frangish
  7. Germaanish
  8. Greagish
  9. Ewnish
  10. Hindi
  11. Iddaalish
  12. Shapaanish
  13. Ladjyn
  14. Pershish
  15. Sanskrit
  16. Spaainish
  17. Tamilish
  18. Turkish
  1. Çhengoaylleeaght
  2. Grammeydys
  3. Fockle
  1. Ennymockle
  2. Breear
  1. Abbyrlhit

Ard-obbrinys as jeshaghteyrys shivoil[edit source]

Scannane, radio as çhellveeish[edit source]

Kiaull[edit source]

Ceau emshir[edit source]

Craueeaght[edit source]

Fallsoonys[edit source]

Oaylleeaght[edit source]

Rollageydys[edit source]

Bea-oaylleeaght[edit source]

Obbraghey bea-oaylleeagh[edit source]
Ronsaghey-kirpey[edit source]
Slaynt as Lheeys[edit source]
Organeyn bioag[edit source]

Kemmig[edit source]

Emshir, speyr as creg-oaylleeaght[edit source]

Fishag[edit source]

Traa[edit source]

List of articles that the Manx wikipedia must have[edit source]

Çheer-oaylleeaght[edit source]

  1. . Ellan Vannin
  2. . Doolish
  3. . Sniaul
  4. . Mooir Vannin
  5. . Yn Cholloo

Cultoor[edit source]

  1. . Gaelg
  2. . Kiaull Ellan Vannin

Politickaght[edit source]

  1. . Ealisaid II
  2. . Tinvaal
  3. . Donald Gelling
  4. . Mec Vannin
  5. . Sheadin
  6. . Noel Cringle
  7. . Tony Brown
  8. . Michael Kerruish